
The right to know

Last publications

Journal of Jesuit Studies, 9(2), 263-280.

The habit does make the monk: Jesuit dress in the Marianas mission 1668–1700.

Montón-Subías, S. 2024

Journal of Jesuit Studies, 11(2), 204-25.

This article explores some of the body modifications that occurred in the Mariana Islands during the initial decades of the Jesuit mission. It focuses on Jesuit vestments and the use of Indigenous CHamoru palm-weaving in a cultural background where the CHamoru dress code clashed with Jesuit mindsets.

Journal of Jesuit Studies, 9(2), 263-280.

Foodways, Missionaries, and Culinary Accommodation in the Mariana Islands (1668–74)

Verónica Peña Filiu. 2022.

Journal of Jesuit Studies, 9(2), 263-280.

This article explores the strategies that the Jesuit missionaries followed to adjust their foodways to the social and physical environment of the Manislan Mariånas and pays attention to the process whereby local foods were adopted. In that sense, it argues that culinary accommodation—or “gastronomic accommodation” as defined by Cristina Osswald—was both a common practice to overcome the lack of Iberian resources and a political strategy to ease tensions and forge alliances with the indigenous population.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 47.

Reused and recycled. Archeometallurgical study of historical nails found in Guam, Mariana Islands, Western Pacific

Rebeca Salgado-Pizarro, Sara Camacho, Sandra Montón-Subías, Natalia Moragas, Ana Inés Fernández

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 47.

This article presents the results of the archaeometallurgical analyses (chemical, compositional, and mechanical) conducted on historic iron nails from the Marianas archipelago, in the western Pacific. The nails were recovered at the archaeological excavations of San Dionisio’s church and cemetery (Humåtak, Guam).

Upcoming events

(Re)Trobades. Una visió arqueològica a la primera circumnavegació mundial (1519-1522).


November 8, 2022

Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (Pg. Santa Madrona 39), 17h to 20h. Barcelona

(Re)Trobades. Una visió arqueològica a la primera circumnavegació mundial (1519-1522).

On November 8 will take place the seminar: (Re)Trobades. Una visió arqueològica a la primera circumnavegació mundial (1519-1522). Professors Sandra Montón (UPF) and Natalia Moragas (UB) will participate with the paper: “El 6 de marzo, que era miércoles”: Guam i la cultura CHamoru abans i després de Magallanes. The seminar will be held at the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya (Pg. Santa Madrona 39) from 17h to 20h.

Crises and Gender Inequalities from the Present to the Past


October 5 to 7, 2022

Pompeu Fabra University, Mercè Rodoreda Auditorium, Campus Ciutadella – UPF Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, Barcelona.

“Crises and Gender Inequalities from the Present to the Past”

The interdisciplinary workshop “Crises and Gender Inequalities from the Present to the Past” will be held from October 5 to 7 within the framework of Planetary Wellbeing. Enrique Moral de Eusebio and Sandra Montón will participate with the presentation “Colonial crisis and patriarchal turn: The ‘new normality’ of Chamoru societies in the Mariana Islands in early modernity” on October 6 during Panel 3 at 17h.

Breaking news

Logo Agencia EFE

"Biba Chamoru" exhibition. The Antropological Museum recovers the history and culture of the Manislan Mariånas

November 17, 2021 (Agencia EFE)

Logo Acción Cultural Española

Biba Chamoru. Culture and Identity in Manislan Mariånas

November 18, 20121 (Acción Cultural Española)


An archaeological project studies the Spanish colonial trace in Guåhån

November 20, 2019 (ABC)